God save me from the curse that is constant ironing. Ironing clothes, fabrics even the cat if she jumps on the board again! So that is what I should be doing right now but instead I am taking a break to share with you my latest achievement.... my tea cosy!
First one ever and I am sooooo proud - just one problem it is huge! I thought I had it all sewn up - pardon the pun - but no its turns out what seems to be twice the size of my orginal one. I thought I would be clever and just draw round the original one - which ex burnt on the cooker, don't ask I had given up by that point myself! - and then just add the usual seam allownace. I also thought I would be all eco and clever and use only recylced fabrics.
So rather than go out and buy new wadding I raided the linen cupboard and got out an old towel for the insulation - this may be where I have gone wrong??? Obviously an old towel does not have the same thickness that wadding does but the size difference is a bit silly - still it is prettier than the burnt offering that I was using before......
So last school to trail round on Thursday morning and my mum will be over from France so will subject her to it as well. She is coming over for the Stitch and Bitch show at Ally Pally - any others going? I loved it last year, my first time, but boy was I exhasted and so overwelmed by the choice of stuff that my head was spinning. I think that I will have a much clearer idea this time what I want to see and do. I also have a course in rag rug making - so you can expect to see something along those lines on my Folksy/Misi shops in the not too distant future. I also have to avoid the pitfall that I fell into last year which was buying at great expense an embroidery hoop and crewel kit which is still stitting in its packaging a year later. I still have 4 - yes 4 other needlepoint kits that I have finished but have as of yet not sewn together into cushions...... am I the only person who does this? I love working on needlepoint and knitting but it takes me ages - sometimes years to get through a project. Please tell me there are others like this out there.
Eldest is the same as she has got my love of sewing - encouraged shamelessly by Mother I hasten to add - and has growing piles of projects. I went through our stash of knitting yesterday as the nights are drawing in and there is nothing better than a bit of mindless X-Factor watching whilst knitting away. So in prep for next Saturdays first live evening I thought I would find out what was still left over from last year......
A scarf - being made for my niece for her birthday last February - well she might get it this year instead. This was started at a one day course at a fantastic place called Fabrications in Broadway Market in Hackney see http://www.fabrications1.co.uk/ where I was being taught how to knit a pattern using different colours - trouble is when I thought I was knitting a cat I think it actually looks like an owl. Maybe I can tell her the design is the owl and the pussy cat and let her deicide which is which???
Another scarf - which for reasons of it being a present I cannot divulge anymore - suffice to say it was meant for last Christmas and at this rate shows little signs of being ready for this one either.
A dozen crocheted squares - a sample blanket idea. You do samplers to show and improve your needlework and for quilting so why not for knitting and crochet? It does help if you actually get enough together to make a blanket though!
Aforementioned crewel cushion cover - enough said already...
Black beret - I love berets and I was making this on the bus into work - I think it has now reached such epic proportions that a beret is too small a use so please help with some suggestions......
My newest project which was started whilst watching last weekends X Factor - cos I need another one on the go - is a chainmail suit for my sons Christmas present. Yes he will only be able to dress up in it for the winter - but I swear this is the way it is made for the Telly etc. I just need to practice with my can of silver spray.......will post some pics when I get that far so please make sure to put a date in your diary for sametime next year!!!