It has been ages since I last wrote and that could be testament for me not having much to say. After the fired up enthusiasm of ironing my way through a pile of inspiring fabrics the desperate slump of realising that I need to sell things to pay bills hit. Then the flu in various guises for a few weeks and well I know you can guess the rest!
Things have been happening and I have had a wonderful opportunity recently. I was taken to Dubai - nope I have not been making that much of Ebay - god I wish, I was just getting enough to pay the bills let alone for a holiday. No I have the Hackney Fairy to thank for this trip - the persons knows who they are and I will be forever grateful nuff said ;)
So at the very end of November I jetted of with a good friend to the land of anything is possible and my God so it is. I would say go if you have not been and if you have WTF - how the hell have they managed so much in such a short space of time and all out of the sand! Oh yes of course slave labour just like the Egyptians and before us Westerners all start getting high and mighty how the hell do we think our economies were built to where we are today? Mmm yes remember the Victorians.... exactly child labour and the exploitation of the disposable working classes. So easy to forget a 100 years later that we did exactly the same and now we sit here in our glass (and brick houses) and throw stones across the sand.
Enough of the rant the place is amazing and as the BF said if we were not going and staying in the hotels a lot of these people would not have a job or be able to send money home to help educate their children to achieve more than they ever could. So my conscience being salved I leapt into it all with both feet and immersed myself in the Souk looking for lots and lots of guilty pleasures, boy did I find it! So much stuff and not enough time to explore all the nooks and crannies. I can tell you this though if you want a cheap DSLite head for the Souk half the price they are in UK - also as we kept being told great for copy bags. However I was after a different pleasure and that was the Arabic perfume that BF wears all the time and I absolutely love, and there was plenty of it at such reasonable prices if I had had a larger luggage allowance and not so many bills to pay I would have bought a serious amount back with me.
As it was I think every woman I had an excuse to buy something for has got perfume, including eldest! BF also took to me the aptly named - by her and not proprietor - The Shop of Shite, and boy did it live up to its name. There was so much stuff that was of no intrinsic value but you just knew kids everywhere would be dying to have by the bucket load.... Santa's sack is going to be heavier this year thanks to TSOS. The best thing my son ever got - his words - was the remote control car from there that cost a fiver and would set you back at least £19 in Hamleys...and yes I have seen exactly the same stuff here.
So my pearls of wisdom from this moment are save, have a lovely holiday on the beach in Dubai wondering at the miracle that has risen from the Arabian sand, then head for the Souk and spend spend spend - oh and only bring a swimsuit/bikini, sarong and perhaps a dress for the evening and stuff the rest of your suitcase with your spoils!!! On the way back you can ponder the exploitation and the bibles quote that when the Deserts turn green we really are in the shit!